
High-Quality Laundry Pickup &  Delivery Services in Los Angeles and Ventura County



From your favorite jeans to your baby’s blankie, our experienced laundry specialists will care for your clothes as if they were their own.

laundrypickupLaundry. It’s Personal

We understand that laundry is personal so tell us exactly how you want yours done. Everything from detergents, dryer sheets and wash temps to how you want your socks returned – rolled or folded.


Crave routine? Tell us when to come and we’ll be there every week. Prefer a bit more flexibility? Use us when you need us. Help for all types of families is just a tap, click or text away.

Ready to say goodbye to your laundry?


Laundry Butler For You offers a full complement of residential laundry pickup and delivery and
commercial laundry services.

Residential Laundry Pickup & Delivery

From your favorite jeans to your baby’s blankie, our experienced laundry specialists will care for your clothes as if they were their own.

Commercial Laundry

Interested in learning more about Laundry Butler For You’s competitive commercial laundry pricing? Email hello@laundrybutlerforyou.com or call (323) 900-0067.

How it Works

Sign up and customize your preferences. It’s quick and secure.

Schedule a pickup or set up a weekly/bi-weekly pickup for a reduced cost.

We’ll pick up your clothes and have them back to you the next day.

Super Easy Scheduling

Click, Tap or Text

The night before we’re in your neighborhood we’ll send you a reminder. Just click or tap the link in your email or reply to the text and your pickup is scheduled. Want to manage multiple pickup days? No problem. Just log into your account and schedule pickups up to two weeks in advance.

Weekly customers? Nothing for you to do except put your clothes out for pickup!

Ready to say goodbye to your laundry?


We’re committed to getting your whites white while keeping the planet green.


Our high efficiency washers and dryers use up to 40% less energy than their household cousins.


Choose from natural and fragrance-free detergents and fabric softeners like the Seventh Generation family of eco-friendly products.


Biodegradable and reusable bags? Check. Hanger recycling? Of course!

Laundry Butler For You is pleased to provide our customers with the ability to select an ozone-infused wash for your laundry!

Ozone washing benefits you with every wash!

Eliminates Bacteria – Kills Mildew & Mold – Removes Odors – Extends Fabric Life – Leaves Your Laundry Smelling Fresher & Feeling Softer – Sanitizes Your Laundry


We have competitive pricing for weekly and by request customers!

Plus, no hidden service fees, delivery fees, or next day rush fees!



per pound

By Request


per pound

We offer bi-weekly service. Please call customer service for more details: (323) 900-0067

Ready to say goodbye to your laundry?